- PRIVACY: Harm-ed is committed to ensuring compliance with GDPR privacy regulations: GDPR-Privacy-Policy
- SAFEGUARDING: As the safeguarding agenda is constantly changing, we have included the following links to the regularly updated policies and procedures on the LSCB and LSAB websites. Below are the links that will take you directly to Lancashire’s Safeguarding pages on-line as well as our own safeguarding policy.
- http://panlancashirescb.proceduresonline.com/index.htm
- http://plcsab.proceduresonline.com/
- Harm-ed Safeguarding Policy
- COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE: The complaint handling procedure is designed to ensure that complaints are properly investigated and are given careful and fair consideration: Harm-ed Complaints
- CONFIDENTIALITY: Harm-ed is committed to maintaining high standards of confidentiality in all aspects of its work. This includes records and information pertaining to staff, volunteers, participants and those involved through partnership working: Harm-ed Confidentiality Policy