‘Who’s challenging who’ research study looking for people with a learning disability to help co-deliver training.
Hi from Leisa at the Harm-ed team
I’m currently working on a research project at Warwick university called who’s challenging who? The project is being led by Professor Richard Hastings and aims to measure the impact of a training intervention on changing attitudes towards people with behavior that challenges services. Secondary measures include staff burn out and reductions in restrictive interventions.
I am looking for people with a learning disability who have been labelled as having behaviour that challenges services (regardless of cause) either currently or historically to help me deliver this training. Ideally I would like to talk to people who:
* have experienced services for people with behaviour that challenges and been subject to restrictive practices: restraint, medication use, restricted access to ordinary community facilities.
* have experiences of services where the support they received increased their challenging behaviour and/or caused further problems/emotional distress etc.
* are able and willing to communicate their experiences and work as a co trainer with support.
If anybody knows anybody who they think may want to take part could they email me on l.richards.1@warwick.ac.uk or at leisa@harm-ed.co.uk
Many thanks